Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 2 and 3, 2010

We are out of order here so for the two weeks after this, check below.
The January first Fun Sail was cold rained out and just turned into a Eat Out at the pot luck..

Then Saturday, January 2, our Committee boat stopped after Sam had three of the marks out. Bob Getchell towed him in while Sam threw out the fourth mark at maybe the right place. We had some Rabbit start Races and then joined the Wayfarer group in the long races.

We had six boats out with Alejandro Illera 1-1-1
Ben Getchell 2-2-2
Craig Yates 3-3-3
Jerry Beck 4-4-4
Marc Solal 4-4-4
Luke Yates 4-4-4
Actually Jerry, Marc, and Luke didn’t sail the long races, but it was cold and they showed up and I gave them all 4th. That might get changed later if I catch too much flack.

We have a new gas line, fuel bulb and tightening of the gas line attachment and all seems to be working well agin.

Sunday, January 3, 2010 found Joan Bryant and Marjorie Chapin out on our course again in one of the coldest days in ten years. What a RC! The big boat PROs were wrapped in blankets.

Rob put out the marks and we waited a couple of minutes for Jerry and then got off six races.
Rob Krentel 1-1-3-1-2-4 12
Alejandro Illera 2-4-1-2-1-2 12
Sam Chapin 3-2-2-4-3-1 15
Jerry Beck 4-3-4-3-4-3 21

We seemed to be always tight together at all the marks. Note that Rob and Alejandro were tied on points with Rob getting the nod for three bullets. Sam won the last race from being last around the leeward mark, but had his own wind into the finish.

A good look and you would think that Jerry was always last... look again, he beat everyone else in at least one race. Way to go Jerry!!

Then Rob and Sam came in at noon because it was cold cold. Alejandro and Jerry went over and had an hour race with the Flying Scots. Alejandro beat three Scots and Jerry got one. They were happy happy. Now they want to do that every month and we can talk about that a little.

Marc Solal who has never been cold before, was on Saturday– probably because he had been sick last week and so he took Sunday off to recover fully.

Luke is really happy with the new boat– which he calls his boat. Maybe it is. Looks good. Nice and stiff and I expect he will be a lot of trouble for the old folks.

Craig Yates was the other long course sailor on Saturday and soon we expect to see Sasha sailing with us. Soccer players always turn out to be great sailors. Did I forget anyone– Oh, yes Ben Getchell had Alejandro tied up in that last long race on Saturday. He lead Alejandro all the way around the course twice, up wind and down wind and then in the last bit he let Alejandro sail low and fast and get some “separation” going into a header. Alejandro was ahead at the finish. Now Ben knows to sail low and fast if he needs to the not let the separation happen if you are sailing a lift..If that is all a mystery to you, the reader, go to Lasers Climb the Ladder, November 19, on howtosailthelaser@blogspot.com-- read all about it.

Next racing is in two weeks and that is the end of this December - January Series. I will send you standing in a few days, but try and make it. It will have to warmer then.

When it warms up a little we will get our other Laser sailors going again.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday and Sunday January 16-17, 2010

The Laser group turned a couple of corners this weekend. The Board of Directors of LESC gave the go ahead to Rob Krentel for the District 13 (Florida) Laser Championship here at Lake Eustis next December. Our advanced group of Laser sailors went for the second race of the long course folks at about noon. The higher winds didn’t discourage them any as they did it both Saturday and Sunday. That makes about 3 hours of racing sailing for them

All together we had 9 sailors over the weekend with Randy Rea, our old friend from Crystal River, and Kevin Ratigan, our radial rig friend from Orlando, visiting on Saturday.

But a look at the scores first..

Dave Chapin ns-1-2-1-1-3+1-2-1-1=22
Alejandro Illera 2-2-3-3-4-1+3-3-3-2= 26
Rob Krentel 3-3-4-4-2-2+2-1-2-4=27
Jerry Beck ns-5-6-6-5-ns+6-6-4-3=50
Luke Yates 32+4-4-6-6=52
Sam Chapin 4-6-5-5-6-4+5-5-5-nf= 53
Randy Rea 1-4-1-2-3-ocs+ 54 =75
Marc Solal ns-ns-7-ns-7-nf+7-7-7-5=76
Kevin Ratigan ns-ns-ns-ns-ns-5+54 =104

The score keeper will make a separate session for “long races”. Saturday= Dave Chapin, Randy Rea, Alejandro Illera, Kevin Ratigan(no time for his radial), Rob Krentel.
Sunday= Dave Chapin, Rob Krentel, Alejandro Illera, Marc Solal

So let us stat with number 9.. Kevin Ratigan with the radial rig. Our RC took time on the last race on Saturday which was the first he got into. His corrected time didn’t move him up on that race but on the long race he was just behind Alejandro. If we had done times he would have moved up there. OK, Kevin, you were the first Radial anyway.

Marc Solal, our international representative, repaired his broken hiking strap from Saturday and on Sunday sailing the short races was so much fun that he did the long race too. Good work Marc.

Randy Rea is down here in 7 because he takes big hits for not sailing on Sunday and he was over early on the last race Saturday. I changed the scores for that last race– we love Randy because he came over and taught us how to sail Lasers several years ago– but it is the Competitors job to start properly. The RC will try to tell you if you are over, but they can’t sail the boat for you. Dave loves having Randy because then he really has someone to spar with.

It is with mixed emotions that I find Sam down in 6th. I have score sheets from a few year ago when I was ahead of most of you–including David (but that was many many years ago and only when the wind was up). I hope it is because many of you are sailing better.

Luke Yates has his own boat and was sailing 4th places with the full rig. Wow. The youth are coming.

Jerry Beck beat Rob in the last and higher wind race on Sunday. That was the race that Sam decided there was too much wind and excitement for an old man and headed in.

Rob Krentel is in third place but only by one point. He would have beaten Alejandro if he had not turned over in that last race Sunday. In the long race on Saturday he got fourth, but told me he would do better next time. Sunday he did, with a second behind David in the long race.

Alejandro Illera continues his charge in front. He is always sailing flat and fast. He really works the downwinds. Being light helps downwind, but it hurts going upwind in a blow, so don’t complain.

Dave Chapin had some competition for a change but he was able to pile up enough first places to make up for the first race he missed on Saturday. Now if he lets his father fix the leaking rip in his cockpit floor, maybe he won’t be so slow..

Many thanks again to our regular RC Joan Bryant and Marjorie Chapin. Oh, and then on Sunday we had extra help from Jack Kern (Our Texas MC sailor) until he realized the MCs were really going to sail. And then thanks too, to the Fisherman in the passing by motorboat that brought him to shore.