Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Laser sailing February 25 and 26, 2012.

Windy Saturday

Dave Chapin 1-1-1-1

Rob Krentel 2-2-2-2

Marc Solal 4-3-3-3

Rand Winter 3-4-ns-ns

Tom Jennings 5-5-4-ns

Vince Renzoni 6-6-ns-ns

Sam Chapin ns-ns-ns-ns

The Scots had 6 boats out. That was good for them with the wind up. The MCs had 8 boats out but they both sailed three races. Pretty good with only two MCs turned over.

Sam went out with a radial rig, but when the wind is up the boat control is just a lot different. Even with the radial I was uncomfortable and sailed back to the club. Sorry!

Vince was out with a radial and sailed two races. That is a lot of good experience. Nice job Vince.

Tom Jennings hung in there for three races. He had the other radial and Tom is moving up the ladder.

Rand Winter is visiting in the Villages. He is an old Laser and Finn sailor and is catching on fast. He sailed a full rig. His wife Cindy is helping with the race committee.

Marc Solal returned and sailed a full rig – solid third place. He got his trophy for the last series. I am not sure where he has been, but his company often sends him to strange places around the world. Glad you are back, Marc.

Rob Krentel says he almost beat David in one of the races. Keep working at it Rob.

David Chapin came a sailed with us to give Rob something to do. You could see them sailing off with each other. Good practice for both.

Sunday was rainy and cool. Rob, Sam, Vince, and Marc standing around talking about tactics and thinking up reasons not to go sailing. None of the big boats putting in. Marc did rig and go out, but discovered the bolts holding the goose neck to the lower mast were all coming loose. That got him back in.

Thank you to RC—Joan Bryant, Sally Renzoni and Cindy Rand for help on Saturday and coming on Sunday. We couldn’t do it without you.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Saturday was cool and breezy and we bundled the RC up and sent them out along with Dave Chapin, Rob Krentel and Alejandro Illera. Sam saw some white caps out in the South where the course was set up and changed to radial rig. He went out on big time plane, sailed around the RC and headed home. He should have put on a 4.7.

They has two races and then everyone came in... about an hour.

Dave Chapin 1-1

Aljandro Illera 2-dnf

Rob Krentel dnf-dnf

Sam Chapin dns-dns

No races Sunday Colder and windy.