Monday, November 7, 2016


November 5 and 6, 2016.  Windy Saturday and pleasant Sunday. Dave Chapin sailed only on Sunday winning 4 out of five races. Scored over the weekend :  Rob Krentel  1, Dave Chapin  2, Jaun Gaitan 3,  Erik Gaitan 4.  Youth Laser Mathew Smith 1, and Samuel Pearl 2.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Racing October 15 and 16, 2016

Laser : Rob Krentel 1, Craig Yates 2, Sam Chapin 3, Lenny Levy 4.

Laser Youth : Mathew Smith 1, Samuel Peal 2.

Wayfarers : Patricia Kuntz 1, David Hepting 2, Izak Kielmovitch 3.

Laser racing weekend for winter of 2016 and 2017

   Open weekends when the other boats are not racing.

   Club racing weekends the Lasers will be doing their 10 to noon and the others sail at 11AM                                     


Oct. 15-16   Open weekend.

         29-30   Club racing.

Nov. 5-6        Club racing

          26-27    Open weekend.

Dec.  3-4          Club racing.

          17-18      Club racing.

Jan.    7-8         Club racing

           14-15      Open weekend.

           28-29      Open weekend.

Feb.    11-12      Club racing

             25-26      Club racing.

March  18-19     Open weekend.

               25-26    Club racing.

April       15-16     Open weekend.

                29-30     Open weekend.

May        13-14     Open weekend.

                  20-21    Club racing

Monday, September 26, 2016

September 24, 2016.  Very light wind with late start and one race with everyone.  Mathew Smith 1, Rob Krentel  2,  Sam Chapin 3, and Alex 4 in Lasers .  Patrick and Leah 1, Ben and Bobby 2, and Hamah and Sam 3 in 420s.   Rob and Juan Gaitan sailed a second race with Juan first.  Sunday wind even lighter and no race.

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 17,2016

Saturday September 17 was a big day for the Laser group.  We had 11 Lasers and  four 420s racing with us.  Strange light winds but four races.  David Chapin 1, Rob Krentel 2, Mathew Smith 3, Caroline
Chapin  4, Vince Rezoni 5, Sam Chapin 6, Ron Normark 7, Samuel Pearl 8, Dashiel  9, Alex 10, Peter
Burst  11.   In the youth Laser - Mathew 1, Samuel 2, Dashiel 3, and Alex 4.  In the 420  - Nick and Ben 1, Kaitlyn and Bryson 2, Max and Patrick 3, Hamnal and Olivia 4.  

Sunday light winds with 2 Lasers and one Wayfarer  so races canceled.