Monday, September 19, 2016

September 17,2016

Saturday September 17 was a big day for the Laser group.  We had 11 Lasers and  four 420s racing with us.  Strange light winds but four races.  David Chapin 1, Rob Krentel 2, Mathew Smith 3, Caroline
Chapin  4, Vince Rezoni 5, Sam Chapin 6, Ron Normark 7, Samuel Pearl 8, Dashiel  9, Alex 10, Peter
Burst  11.   In the youth Laser - Mathew 1, Samuel 2, Dashiel 3, and Alex 4.  In the 420  - Nick and Ben 1, Kaitlyn and Bryson 2, Max and Patrick 3, Hamnal and Olivia 4.  

Sunday light winds with 2 Lasers and one Wayfarer  so races canceled.  

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