Monday, February 15, 2010


Because this e-mail goes out to lot of non-laser sailors and we don’t want to set up any my boat -your boat kind of competition, I am not going to go into detail about the laser guys (our gals have been doing other things) or( more correctly our gals have been doing RC right through the cold and wind and stuff). The lasers have stepped up again and done more sailing this weekend with four boats out Saturday and Sunday for total of five races. The MCs did get four boats out for the one race on Sunday. Scots 3 boats. Wayfarers 3 boats with two finishing.

Then Saturday at the board meeting, Alejandro Illera committed the Laser fleet to help the Wayfarers out with the Safety boat detail – in spite of the fact that the Lasers expect to flip more often, they are also expected to self rescue, and that we have been in radio contact with the “big boat” RC from 11 to 12 and could abandon our racing and help out with a big disaster. From 12 to 1 the Laser committee boat is gassed up (we always try to have 3/4 tank of gas for the weekend so if we are needed to help we can run for several hours) and at the beach while the Laser folks are having lunch and watching the other races. Two or three years ago we did go out and help with rescues when there was an afternoon disaster.

Anyway we will be glad to help out with the safety thing and will probably doing a little more of “join in with the second race with the Wayfarers”. (Now that we are “safety buddies” with the Wayfarer folks.)

We really do like all the MC, Scot, and Wayfarer sailors no matter how misguided they are in the choice of boats and I will not to be sending this sort of stuff in the e-mails.


Alejandro Illera 1-1+1-1-1 = 5
Marc Solal 2-2+4-3-2 = 13
Rob Krentel nf-ns+2-2-3 = 15
Tom Rhodes 3-3+3-4-4= 17

First I have to apologize to Marc Solal for not doing the total weekend scoring before I sent the article in to the newspaper. Marc was in second place for the weekend!!!! I had Rob K. down for second, but that was only for the Saturday thing. Marc was the real second place with three seconds in five races.!!! I am so happy!!! The guy that has been plugging along and coming every week and usually the last guy, but moving closer. Practice makes perfect. And Marc gets better and better. He also understand how the split wing on the BMW Oracle works and why the big gap between the segments makes it more powerful.

Alejandro Illera with all the good warm cloths from Rooster Sailing nailed all the first places over the weekend. Warm and comfortable does help. And Maribel helped with the RC Saturday, our really cold day and had cookies for everyone. What an RC! Hey, MC guys, when did Joan Williams bring you cookies.

Rob Krentel has gloves and boots now so he will be grabbing some of those bullets from Alejandro again.

Tom Rhodes, our new Laser sailor from Michigan sailed past Alejandro in the first race Sunday and had Marjorie and Joan on the RC boat cheering for him, but Alejandro and Rob both snuck by him before the finish. Tom will sail in the George Washington thing next week and it looks like a good turn out for the Lasers. The Scots will be the big fleet then and Andy Fox will be back in a Scot.

Presentation of the trophies for the Hartge Series is postponed due to the cold weather and GWB action until March. Another set of exciting trophies are all prepared, but will be held in secret until then. We have been in regular communication with Jane Hartge and expect her to help with the whole deal.

Marjorie wanted be to thank Jane Houch for the Super delicious coffee cake that John brought on Sunday for Valentine Day and to warm the hearts of cold sailors and RC’s and PRO’s. Ray L wants to get some every week.

Monday, February 1, 2010

JANUARY 30 AND 31, 2010

January 30 and 31, 2010. The last days of the Hartge Series. The great weather mysteries.

First the Summary:
Dave Chapin 1-1-1-1-1+ns-3-2-1 = 18
Alejandro Illera 2-2-2-4-2+1-2-3-2 = 20
Rob Krentel 3-3-3-2-3+2-1-1-3 = 21
Marc Solal ns-5-5-5-5+3-6-ns-ns = 50
Sam Chapin nf-4-4-3-4+ns = 50
Seth Behr ns+ 4-4-4-4 = 51
Tom Rhodes ns-6-6-6-6+5-5-5-5 = 51

Some of us think that you guys that didn’t come were smart– then some others had a good time. The wind promised for Saturday didn’t come. Just the rain at noon. Scots and MCs were paddling back after the races. Sunday was colder and the promised more temperate winds never came. Just the winder ones. Big boat races cancelled before they got started, but not before Jim Lingeman turned his Wayfarer over.

Tom Rhodes that sailed with us for the first time and is down from Michigan thought it was great to be out of the cold in warm sunny Florida. So warm and cold are relative terms, we need to be reminded occasionaly. Tom is working for Northrop Grumman in Maitland. He is athletic and enjoyed the windy conditions.

Seth Behr is back with us and a sign that the rest of the high school group may not be far behind. He was smart enough to sail the radial on Sunday. I checked his times in all the races and he didn’t catch anyone on time, but did well hanging in there with wind and cold. He has all the good stuff to wear and really looked good.

Sam Chapin bailed out on Sunday. When as he approached the starting area a sustained gust came in and put him on a fast plane with white caps forming all about him. He made one pass by the Committee boat and headed back to shore. There will be a lot of pleasant fun days out sailing and the exciting day better for the younger.

Marc Solal back is better. He is sailing better. See that 3 on Sunday. He is climbing up there. One Saturday race he had Sam put away, but misjudged the leeward mark and let him get the finish. All steps forward. It does take some time.

Rob Krentel, our mark setter, set up a triangle course both days so we could use it when the wind was up. On Saturday as the wind faded, so we just has windward leeward courses. On Sunday we had triangle windward leeward courses. Eat your heart out Arlen. (Arlen always wanted triangles.) Rob managed to finish Sunday one point ahead of Alejandro. +++ good work, Rob.

Alejandro Illera was two points ahead of Rob on Saturday, so for the weekend he was still ahead.

Both Rob and Alejandro got to Dave Chapin on Sunday – Dave arrived late, missed the first race and took two more before he won the last race. He brought to the club Caroline’s “green machine” Laser with the professional looking mast step repair– so maybe Caroline will be back to kick start our women’s program. Dave’s five first places on Saturday puts him ahead for the weekend.

Next club races start a new series. And it will be regattas or club races every weekend for a while.

Tom Rhodes may need to see some of the CDs so when you other folks come back sailing with us bring back the Advanced Laser Sailing, the two copies of Rick Whites Sailing, and the Boat Whisperer stuff.