Monday, March 8, 2010

One of the advantages of sailing in the mornings and having short races is that we got in seven races on Saturday and five races in on Sunday while the 11 to 1 group struggled to get in one race on Saturday and sort of the same thing on Sunday with one race for Scots, Cs, Wayfarers and a shortened second race for the MCs.

We got to the big winner, Alejandro, over the weekend with Luke Yates winning 3 races (Yes, get used to the youth winning the Laser races.) Rob Krentel got a couple and so did Sam. Marc Solal is still hanging out in the middle of the fleet, but the RC tells me he is closer and closer. He is one of our most faithful. Caroline Chapin showed up and sailed her father’s boat because her grandfather was too lazy to rig all the strings on her green machine Laser. Max Barton returned from the Skate Board Championships, but got caught with a full rig in some gusty wind of Sunday. Max will be right with us when he catches up a little with his boat handling.

Caroline had her friend Madison out sailing with her and we hope she brings her back.

Alejandro Illera. 2-1-2-2-2-2-4+2-1-1-1-1 =21
Rob Krentel 1-2-1-3-3-3-3+3-3-3-2-2 = 29
Sam Chapin 3-5-4-4-5-1-2+1-2-2-3-3= 35
Marc Solal 4-4-5-5-4-4-5+4-4-4-4-4 = 51
Luke Yates Ns-3-3-1-1-5-1+ ns = 56
Caroline Chapin Nf-ns-ns-ns-ns-6-6+5-5-6-5-5=73
Max Barton Ns- x7 + 6-6-5-6-6 = 78

Lasers have two weeks off , but we will get some of our warm weather people out to warm up the water.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


It is the end of February and Winter in central Florida should be over by now, but Sam and Marjorie did RC honors while Alejandro Illera, Marc Solal , Tom Rhodes hung in there for races right through the cold and rain. At the last minute Dave Moring came running down looking for a boat after he found out that the “big boats” weren’t going to sail. So actually we has four boats sailing.

Moring was a great addition to the little group. (This was a weekend that Rob Krentel had duties at home.) Moring was able to be right with Alejandro on the starts and mark roundings. In the third race he lead around the windward mark by quite a bit and then lost ground on the run. He was still ahead at the leeward mark. On the short beat to the finish Alejandro got him by one boat length. So Moring had all second places until he did a death roll on the fourth run and retired for warm clothes. The chill must have lasted for a couple of days because he was way down in the pack of MCs sailing on Sunday instead of up at the front.

Alejandro had pressure on all week with Dave Moring sailing against him on Saturday and Rob Krentel came back on Sunday to give him a run for his money, but Illera got all first places both days.

Yes, Alejandro did get some outside help on Sunday when a “big boat” safety boat brought him out his hiking boots which Maribel had brought from home. Alejandro had been just wearing his rubber socks.

Incidentally Maribel was crewing for Ray Laguna – the Spanish speaking Flying Scot.

Marc Solal got a second place in the weekend ratings– he came both days and had a second place on both days. Continuing to move up. Cold and windy in Central Florida, but winter storms and hurricane winds in France. We are glad to have you here Marc.

Tom Rhodes is a regular now and moving up with Saturdays scores 4-4-4-3-2 and he beat Marc 2 x on Sunday.

Rob Krentel got back with us on Sunday to get the number of boats up to 5 for the first race. Rob usually gets Alejandro on these bigger wind days, but didn’t manage it Sunday. He suffered from the cold and will be back stronger with warmer weather.

Sam hadn’t sailed or exercised for 2 weeks following orders from his eye surgery. He sailed one race and would have been leading if everyone hadn’t gone around the other weather mark. He felt a little rusty and plans to get out to sail a little in warmer stuff with a little less wind. He went in before he did something really dumb.

We had a table at Ferran Park for George Fest. Set up Friday evening and handed out two sheets on “learn to sail programs” , the sun went down, the wind picked up and it started to get colder so we wrapped up everything in a tarp before it blew us away. Aggie and Carlton Brown were going to come down Saturday morning and man the station while people did the parade and sail races. With the rain in the morning, that got cancelled and things just left wrapped up.

Sam took the Laser Committee motor boat down in the afternoon because the Chamber of
Commerce had asked me to get a safety boat for the canoe races that were scheduled for 3 PM. The canoe races were cancelled (I think mainly because no one was really in charge of them). Sam watched the “pie eating contest” (no hands) and then when he was really sure that no one was going to start up the canoe races, he took the boat back to the Sailing Club. He just left the table and stuff wrapped up because he was still cold from the morning.

Pete Hylen was going to do the noon to 1 PM opening on Sunday, but Sam called that off because of the high wind blowing on our exposed spot. We just left it wrapped up and Sam went down Sunday at 5 PM and packed everything up and away to storage..

We really appreciate the Browns and Pete Hylen’s willingness to help even if the weather didn’t cooperate.

The Park thing didn’t help us much, but the High School Gang and the Opti bunch were in the parade and gave us some great exposure.

March is here and with just a little more warm weather, we will get the rest of our gang out sailing.