Monday, April 30, 2012

 Laser races for April 28 and 29, 2012.  Light wind on Saturday limited racing to one hour.  More wind on Sunday with big shifts on both speed and direction.
Rob Krentel        3-2-1 +1-1-1-3-1       13  

Alejandro Illera 1-1-2+2-3-2-1-3         15

Sam Chapin        4-3-3+3-2-3-2-2         22

Marc Solal                  ns+4-4-4-4           47

Luke Yates         2-4-4+ns                       55

Don                     6-6-5+ns                       62

Michael Gapuz  7-5-6+ns                       63

Bailey Carter      5-ns-ns+ns                    64

Bailey is back sailing with us.  A good fifth place in the first race and not sure why he didn’t stay.  Hope he returns more often to help with the others.

Michael needs to sail with us more.  He is welcome anytime.  A tough day with wind speed changes that just take experience sailing in company.

Don has sailed a lot, but needs a little more time in the Laser and getting used to our system.  We hope he keeps coming.

Luke was in third place on Saturday and had a second in the first race.   He has been sailing Hobie Cats as well as anything he can get a hold of.  Good sailing Luke.

Marc had all fourths on Sunday, but was having good starts and at least one time the first boat around the windward mark.  I would say that is better light wind sailing for Marc.  He already has high wind working well.

Sam was fourth behind Luke on Saturday and in third for the weekend—mostly because Luke didn’t come.  But he enjoyed the big shifts on Sunday and had some second places.

Alejandro was back  --placed ahead of Rob on Saturday and then lost out on Sunday.  Maybe it was that capsize in the last race??   The boats go slow upside down.

Rob finished up a little ahead of Alejandro.   We had a modified rob course again with two gybe marks.  It continues to be interesting.   Come and try it!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

 Laser results for April 14 and 15, 2012
Rob Krentel         2-2-2-2+ 1-2-2-1-3-3-2         22

Vince Renzoni     4-3-4-nf+4-4-1-4-1-2-1          34

Marc Solal           3-nf-ns-ns+2-3-3-2-4-4-3       36

Sam Chapin         nf-ns-3-nf+3-1-4-3-4-1-4         38

Dave Chapin        1-1-1-1+ns                                  39

Wind was up and David beat up on every one.  Glad to have him with us and helped to right Vince in the last race.  See the note at the bottom.

Sam reports on Saturday that it takes 15 minutes on shore to change into a 4.7 rig.   That makes it a lot easier for old guys to sail.  He hung in Sunday with a full rig and was glad he did.

Marc skipped some of the races on Saturday, but sailed a solid group of races on Sunday. I put him a head of Vince in the article for the paper, because we had this chase the rabbit scores on Sunday with Vince starting ahead of everyone and then Sam and Marc starting at 30 seconds to go and Rob chasing us. So that leaves it up to me to do some extra scoring so that is how it was done.  You might have also noticed that there is no third place in the 5th race on Sunday only two fourth places.  No one can remember== no matter.

Vince really came along over the weekend.  The Friday night thing and then he hung in there with the radial on Saturday and Sunday   Big winner on Sunday with three bullets.  Gaining in leaps and bounds.

Rob still won the weekend without any tweaking of the scores.   On Sunday it looked like maybe just Rob, Sam and Vince would be sailing so Rob proposed that we send Vince out one minute early and Sam at 30 seconds and Rob would chase.  Then Marc came and he was lumped in with Sam.  

The other thing that Rob did was to set two extra marks so after the windward mark, we has a beam reach to a gybe mark followed by a broad reach to a gybe followed by a broad reach to the pin mark of the start ling and a run to the leeward mark.  With the wind up we had planning reaches into the gybes and an exciting day.  We will probably do it again, but like the old reaches, it tends to be a parade.  Worth the trouble.

Then we had a new rescue method….  Vince had turned over with the mast stuck in the mud and the boat to windward so the force of the wind was pushing the mast in deeper.  Vince was not able to right the boat and what we have done in the past was for a second person to turn over his boat nearby and swim over to the first boat and then two people pulling on the centerboard usually could right the boat.  Then the two get in the righted boat and chase the second boat down and right that one.   Sam sailed around trying to think of some other way to help and then settled for waiting for the ‘big boys” (Dave and Rob) to come.   Dave arrived and tried a couple of things (wind is blowing pretty good) then he got Vince up to the bow of Vince’s boat and told him to hold his bow and grab Dave’s traveler line at the stern as he sailed by.   It worked.  Vince hung on with both arms.  The bow of his boat came up to windward and then the wind was blowing on the boat and helping to right it.  Not too much mud on the sail and everyone well and happy.