Monday, October 18, 2010

October 16 and 17, 2010 Lasers hang in there at Lake Eustis. We had six boats out both Starturday and Sunday with a total of 8 sailors and then 3 more practicing with Lasers after the races on Sunday. The MC fleet has dropped off with only six sailing on Saturday and four on Sunday. The Scot group has sort of taken over top spot with nine on Saturday and dropping off to 5 on Sunday. Several of the Scots are sailing single handed. Sort of to bad for building fleet from the group of crews. Not sure if those skippers just prefer sailing alone when the wind is light or if no one will crew for them twice. The Wayfarers had 6 boats out Saturday and four on Sunday. That is good for them.

Randy Rea came over to sail with the Lasers us on Saturday. He suffered from the light wind and should have been with us on Sunday. Here are combined finishes

Alejandro Illera 1-1-1-1+1-3-1-2-2-1 =10
Sam Chapin 3-3-3-4+3-1-2-3-3-5=30
Rob Krentel 28+2-2-3-1-1-2=39
Randy Rea 2-2-2-2+42 =50
Patrick Daniel 5-6-6-6+4-5-5-6-4-3 =50
Marc Solal 6-5-5-5+6-6-6-5-5-4= 54
Bianca Mesa 4-4-4-3+42 =57
Charlie Jensen 28+5-4-4-4-ns-ns =59

We didn’t use any of the Youth Foundation boats. Bianca was the only youth and the only woman sailing with us. Somehow we need to do better on both things.

Bianca sailed her radial rig and I calculated the corrected times for her and the boats ahead of her. She got close, but her finishes stayed the same. Fourth for the day. We have promised her the loan of a full rig anytime she wants.

The news on Alejandro is that we got to him a little Sunday when the wind was up a little. He got hit with a third in the second race and after five races he and Rob were tied for the day. Then we had a short reaching race in light wind—Alejandro on top.

Sam had a better day on Sunday with a 1 and 2.

Rob got a lot of important work done at home and in the neighborhood Saturday. We were glad to have him back setting marks and stuff on Sunday and keeping Alejandro entertained.

Randy Rea missed Sunday. I am sorry we didn’t see how he could handle our strange winds.

Patrick Daniel sailed both days with us and a good bit of the time was dueling with Marc. Marc, our heavy weight, beat him on the light day and then lost it with the better wind. Hard to figure these things. Patrick worked his way up to third in the last race.,

I asked Marc what Patrick was missing on Saturday and he thinks Patrick should pay more attention to sailing to the “pressure”– sail to the dark water.

Charlie Jensen was back with us on Sunday. Mary had another 39th Birthday party on Saturday and it was a big success. We should have another Birthday Party for Mary when we sail again in November. Charlie had a string of 4th places and then went over to the big course and sailed with the Wayfarers where he finished in the middle. That is an option that any of us have. Our RC should be able to check on the radio when they start there second race. That will give you a extra hour of racing on a long course.

Come and help and watch all the youth sailing the next two weekends.

Tom Rhodes should be back with us the first weekend in November and if we get the high school group with us we will be back up to ten boats starting which will help us with boat to boat tactics.

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