Monday, August 8, 2011


August 6 and 7, 2011 We had four races on Saturday in patchy winds and then four on Saturday in brisk winds with occasional gust bringing in some white caps. Twelve sailors over the two days with twelve on Sunday. That was probably our record Sunday.
Rob Krentel 2-4-2-2+2-1-2-3 = 18
Alejandro Illera 1-2-4-3+3-3-3-2 = 21
Dave Chapin ns-1-1-1+1-4-1-4 =24
Sam Chapin 6-3-3-5+5-5-5-5= 37
Jerry Beck 7-5-5-4+6-8-8-8= 51
Patrick Daniel 5-8-9-6+7-6-6-6= 53
Tom McNally 44+4-2-4-1= 55
Tom Rhodes 3-6-7-7+9-7-nf-7 = 59
Vince Renzoni 4-7-8-9+8-9-9-10= 64
Marc Solal ns-9-6-8+10-nf-10-nf=80
Dean Grimes 44+ ns-10-7-9 = 83
Jon Chapin ns-10-10-10+11-11-ns-ns=89
Jon Chapin is Dave Chapin’s son that goes to U of Alabama. He has sailed Lasers some but not in races, so we are glad to have him out with us. On Sunday he missed two races when the old outhaul on his boom let go, but he and Dave sailed through storms and multiple capsizes in the afternoon. He will be a lot tougher next time out.
Dean Grimes was one of the Flying Scot sailors that comes to visit with us on Sundays and brings Nancy Petty to help with RC. Nancy has some health issues that will be addressed more this week and we wish her a good outcome.
Marc Solal continues one of our good connections to the international scene. He and Claire Ephraim being our French citizens. Marc struggles with the leaky boat, has some good starts, and then gets hammered in the later stages of the races. We just have to encourage him to keep coming. Work forward in the boat and heel more down wind.
Vince Renzoni is on loan from the MC scows. We are glad to have him. Sally R. is a sailor and we will try to get her in a Laser.
Tom Rhodes has made his move up the ladder, but the wind up on Sunday gave him a little more experience in more wind. It makes it a little different game.
Tom McNally, the other on loan from the Flying Scot fleet and one of the two extra sailors that come on Sunday. He is really a Laser sailor before the Scot. He had a first in the last race on Sunday and was third overall in the Sunday scoring, but down to 7 for the weekend. He drove away Sunday with a Laser on top of his car and towing a Scot.
Patrick Daniel had moved up pushing Sam out of third place in our group of regulars, but he slipped a little. He had the string of 6’s on Sunday and just missing out to Jerry Beck on Jerry’s light air races Saturday.
Jerry Beck was with us both days. That moved him ahead of Patrick. He had a 4th in the last race on Saturday. He looked fast when he sailed by me.
Sam is happy to be in fourth for the weekend.
Dave Chapin got distracted on Sunday and interrupted his string of bullets. I think he will live through it.
Alejandro Illera had his helpers on the Committee boat on Saturday and was able to win that day, but the bunch on Sunday didn’t let him win any of the races.
Rob Krentel was overjoyed with a win for the weekend with Alejandro, Dave, and Tom McNally present. He only won one race but had 5 seconds in 8 races.
What sort of problems did we have? Brisk winds and some dnfs. If it was death rolls, then remember not to have the sail way out by the lee. If you start to roll steer toward the sail and the rudder should dig in the water and help you straighten up.
In that sort of chop on Sunday, be sure to keep the “bow down” so you power through the chop. If the waves are bigger then it is steering up the upside and down the down side. When we were in the gusts, there was enough wind and chop to stop you in irons, so have the boat moving and tack quickly in a flat spot or on top of a wave. Try to keep the boat flat.
Keep checking the wind and the line before the start. We had some changes in the last minute or so.
Anything else that we should address?

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