Monday, September 26, 2011

A short report for September 25, 2011. We only had six boats out. No wind and no races on Saturday. Rob went out twice to set marks, but not enough wind to tell which way was up wind.

But still on Sunday the MCs only had six boats, Scots five and Wayfarers three.

So the summary:

Alejandro Illera 1-1

Sam Chapin 4-2

Rob Krentel 2-4

Marc Solal 3-5

Vince Renzoni 6-3

Dave Mains 5-6

Dave Mains had his new old boat and did well. The light wind was really miserable and at the second start he sat in one of those holes with no wind while everyone else went off sailing.

Vince sailed his new really old boat and look at that third in the second race. Way to go Vince.

Marc Solal our heavy air sailor had a third in the first race and that one was really light air.

Rob was really sailing that second race in his usual position of second, but on the run he was following Alejandro over to the downwind left, where you could see some more wind building. Sam and Vince got some separation by sailing more or less toward the finish line and we got a little more breeze that just filled in behind us and left Rob out to the left between the breezes so he ended up fourth.

Alejandro continues to sail fast and tack well on the little headers and sit forward in the light air. You will have to do that if you want to be up ahead in light air. Alejandro’s daughter, Genesis, helped Joan with the RC so we are not angry over his win.

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