Tuesday, March 27, 2012

 Laser sailing March 24 and 25, 2012

Rob Krentel    2-1-2-3-3+1-3-2-1-2-2-1    23

Alejandro Illera  1-4-1-4-2+3-2-3-2-1-1-2   26

Sam Chapin   4-2-4-1-4+2-1-1-3-3-3-3         31

Tom Jennings  6-6-nf-7-6+ns-4-4-4-4-4-nf  75

Vince Renzoni  7-7-nf-8-8+ns-5-5-5-5-5-4  79

Luke Yates         3-5-3-2-1+ns                          84

Charlie Jensen  5-3-6-5-5+ns                           97

Chris Nagy         8-8-5-5-7+ns                         103

Claire Epaillard   9-9-7-9-9+ns                         113

Clair was our first woman and we hope we get her name in the paper.   She sailed a 4.7 and didn’t beat Chris in his 4.7, but that is not any distraction, because Chris is very good.

Chris Nagy sailed his 4.7 in the third race to ahead of the radials and one full rig.  In the fourth race he corrected to a tie with Charlie in the full rig, so we have two 5th places and no sixth place for you folks that check the score sheet.

Charlie Jensen sailed with us on Saturday and then he moved up to sail a Scot on Sunday. He was third in the second race and that is not too bad.

Luke Yates was third on Saturday and was fist is the last race when the old folks were getting tired... He eats a lot of points for missing Sunday.  We think he will test the waters over at Mt Dora this coming weekend. Maybe he can beat the folks from Halifax.

Vince Renzoni should have picked up a lot of points in Saturdays third race.  His dnf was when stopped to tow Tom J. back to his turned over Laser.  Vince sailed the radial on Saturday and then the full rig on Sunday and hung in for all the races.  A lot of good experience and getting better.

Tom Jennings has been sailing with us for three months and will be heading back to Indiana before our next club racing.  It was a pleasure to have you with us Tom and come back next winter.

Sam sailed a little harder than he usually does.  He got a couple of first places when Rob and Alejandro went off covering each other.

Alejandro Illera is back with us after trips all over the place.  He was a little rusty and had to settle for a couple of fourth places on that first day.  He and Rob both had four firsts.  Pretty close racing all weekend.

Rob Krentel continued be our winner.  He did let Alejandro win the first race back.  Sort of a welcome back.  Then they were trading 1 and 2 until Rob won the last race.    Tune in in three weeks for the next club racing.

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