Sam Chapin
1-3-1+1-1-1-1-1-2-2 14
Marc Solal
5-4-3+2-2-2-2-2-1-1 24
Rob Krentel
Luke Yates
2-1-capsize+ns 74
Chris Nagy
Bailey Verkaik
Vince Renzoni
Michael Gapuz 7-8-6+ns 84
The two 420’s racing with us were not recorded. Will try to do better next time.
Michael Gapuz has an Eagle Scout project to work on and then
he will be sailing more with us. Saturday
he sailed a radial without any battens and the roach curled over. He did fine considering what he was sailing
Vince Renzoni is still struggling with the move up to Mt
Dora, but the six and five finishes are not at the bottom.
Bailey sailed well with a 4 and 5, but missed the last race
so he could get his boat put away by noon.
Chris Nagy was the first of the radials. We didn’t have times recorded so he might
have placed a little higher on corrected time.
Luke Yates was a lot of fun.
Second in the first race and won the second and then in the third was
talking a lot to Rob on the run and did a capsize with the mast stuck in the
mud pretty good. It took Rob a couple of
passes to get him unhooked.
Rob Krentel let a couple of us by him on Saturday and then
took a crack at the Flying Sots on Sunday.
He did better with them on Sunday than with us on Saturday, but that was
just one day.
Marc Solal sail both days and sailed himself into
second. His finishes on Saturday were
not bad 5-4-3. Those 3’s are hard to
come by.
Sam had a good day on Saturday and here is a little WOW
(Words of Wisdom) on that 1-3-1 day.
WOW… We had some big
right shifts and you had to be sure you were taking that long task first
(starboard) and working to the right carefully.
Delay going to the lay line for the windward mark. You can approach it, but tack before you get
Sail fast – that is “bow down” with windward and leeward
telltales flowing, boat flat or windward heel.
Sail trimmed into 6 to 8 inches between the boom blocks and if you are
sitting out to hold the boat down, then two block. Check what the boats near you are doing and
how they are moving. If you have a boat
to leeward you can see easily, work on sailing faster than they are. If you can see shore in front of them, then
try and be “making trees”... seeing for
shore in front of them as you move faster.
Or just to increase you angle to them … bow down a little more … a
little different trim. Work at going
fast – that make your tactics smarter. If you get in a really light wind spot, heel
to leeward and weight forward. Get the
roll tacks working. It takes the curse
out of tacking to much with the short wind shifts. Try to link the areas of dark water together. If the roll tacks are a problem and you don’t
live close for sailing practice, then get some practice in before, after the
races or after lunch.
The fun is not necessarily winning, but sailing better.
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