Monday, May 28, 2012

May 26 and 27, 2012

 May 26 and 27, 2012  The Laser Memorial Day series.

When the old man finally added up all the points we had different result than he reported on Sunday.

We had a three way tie for first and the nod goes to Randy Rea because he had the most firsts.  He didn’t sail both days, so we will still leave the first place to Patrick Daniel and the second to Marc Solal because they braved all the strange winds of the weekend.  Strange circling winds of Saturday and early bits of Tropical Storm Beryl on Sunday.

Randy Rea        1-1-1-1-1-1+ns                30

Patrick Daniel  5-5-5-4-4-2+1-2-1-1       30

Marc Solal       2-4-4-5-5-3+2-1-2-2         30

Sam Chapin     3-2-2-2-2-4+ns                  39

Vince Renzoni  4-3-3-3-3-5+ns                  45

This weekend is a separate series.  The April and May series finished the week before.  The summer series begins in two weeks.

Vince Renzoni is sailing faster, trading places with Marc and ahead of Patrick most of the time on Saturday.

Sam let Randy beat him too often--- but what is new.  Vince and Sam both went out on Sunday with 4.7 rigs, but got back in before they got in trouble.

Marc Solal is sailing better.  He did well both in the light wind on Saturday and then sailing the full rig on Sunday when the wind was really up and we had some waves.  .  He deserved the weekend win.

Patrick Daniel has been busy sailing his new 640 and we are glad to see him take a weekend off and come to sail with us.  He was a little rusty and usually sails better than his Saturday efforts.  With the wind up on Sunday he sailed a radial and showed that when we have the wind it can keep up with the full rigs.

We had six that were planning to sail Monday, but winds from Beryl cancelled that.

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