Tuesday, August 7, 2012

 Laser results for August 4 and 5, 2012.   Nine sailing on Saturday.  Sunday Rob had family business and Sam set up the course with a mistakenly shorter windward leg--- so with the wind up we got in nine races in the 2 hours – that is our record – the Laser sprints.

Patrick Daniel       2-4-4-4-6-3+5-1-1-1-2-1-2-4-1      41

Sam Chapin          8-3-2-3-2-6+4-2-3-3-4-3-3-1-2       48

Jerry Beck             6-5-5-6-5-9+1-3-2-4-1-2-3-1-ns      58

Marc Solal            ns-7-6-9-7-5+3-ns-4-2-3-4-4-5-3     77

Vince Renzoni     5-6-8-8-9-7+2-4-5-5-5-5-5-3-ns        83

Rob Krentel         1-1-1-2-3-1+ns                                      99

Alejandro Illera   4-2-3-1-1-2+ns                                     103

Tom Pizzi              3-8-7-5-4-8+ns                                      125

Glenda Libby        7-9-9-7-7-4+ns                                      139

On Sunday Patrick Daniel brought a lady friend, Karen, and sent her out on his Laser.  I don’t know when the traveler broke, but she sailed around below the course for almost the whole two hours.  Check you lines that go around fairleads—traveler, rudder down haul, out haul and when they start to wear, replace them.  Check the rubber connection between the tiller extension and the tiller.   When it has a crack, then change it.

Glenda tried her injured knee out.  Sailed the course behind everyone ---maybe couldn’t stand it any longer by the sixth race.   Welcome back Glenda.

Tom Pizza finial got a fairly good sail on Saturday and had some good races, but has to work on Sunday.

Alejandro hadn’t sailed for a while with all his trips around the world.  It took him three races to get rolling again.  Come as often as you can, Alejandro.

Rob Krentel had some family business on Sunday and that gave some others a chance to win a few races.

Vince Renzoni is one of our regulars and with the wind up he got in a couple of really good races on Sunday.  Practice pays off.

Marc Solal is back from France.  With the wind up on Sunday he picked up his game.  We are so glad to see him.

Jerry Beck is usually pushing up to the top, but wasn’t doing it on Saturday.  On Sunday he got his game up and pushing to the top in our sprints.

Sam hung in there on Sunday and was finally able to win a race.  He will hopefully always make that weather leg longer so we get more separation when the boats come around the windward mark.

Patrick Daniel got a new sail.  That really helps.  How clever of you to give the broken traveler to Karen.  Great racing on Sunday.  Good starts in the sprints.

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