September 29 and 30, 2012
Laser finishes.
Dave Chapin
1-1-2+1-1-1 7
Rob Krentel
2-2-1+2-2-2 11
Sam Chapin
6-3-3+3-5-4 24
Jerry Beck
ns-5-6+4-3-3 29
Vince Renzoni 5-8-8+5-4-5 35
Cameron Smith 3-4-4+ns 38
Chris Nagy
4-6-5+ns 42
Michael Gapuz 7-7-7+ns 48
Michael Gapuz is sailing better and managed to beat Vince in
two races on Saturday and we are trying to get them both to sail a little
Chris Nagy was second youth.
He just got over a long bout of flu and I bet he will be harder to beat
next time.
Cameron smith is up with the leader regularly and our first
youth last club racing.
Vince Renzoni is the first one out on the race course and
that will be paying off soon.
Jerry beck stepped up again on Sunday with 3’s in the last two
races. That is where he was sailing before
the sore back. Glad you are better
Well are you ready to have Sam tell you that we are
operating under the democratic system.
Because four of you went around the wrong mark in the second race you
were scored as you finished, BUT when we sail the B course in reverse (because
of the 180 degree wind change) you need to go around the B mark just like you
did on the the first race B course. Well,
we didn’t DSQ you all; I don’t want you all to be crying.
Rob Krentel is last year’s CHAMPION and we have his name up
on the wall in the Club House to prove it. He beat David in one race on Saturday
and was with him most of the time on Sunday.
Dave Chapin won 5 of the six races over the weekend. Well, he has had more practice sailing than
most of us. It takes some time, a little
studying, some work on the boat. Whenever
I see those guys standing up and looking to windward I know we are in trouble
and he started doing that when he was about 10 years old.
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