Monday, October 15, 2012

  Laser finishes for October 13 and 14, 2012

Luke Yates       2-4-6-1-3+1-1-5-1-3     27

Jerry Beck       3-1-1-2-2+5-5-2-6-4     31

Cameron Smith     4-6-4-3-1+3-4-3-2-5     35

Sam Chapin   1-3-3-ns-ns+4-3-4-3-1    46

Rob Krentel     ns+2-2-1-5-2                   72

Michael Gapuz9-9-10-5-7+9-7-6-9-7    78

Max Epaillard  7-5-5-4-5+ns                     81

Darcy Jensen  ns-2-2-7-4+ns                   82

Claire Epaillard  5-7-8-6-8+ns                   89

Patrick Daniel     ns+6-6-nf-4-7                 94

Vince Renzoni    6-10-ns-sns-ns+8-8-8-ns-ns    98

Leah Harper      10-11-9-8-6+ns             99

Andy Forest     ns+7-9-7-8-8                   99

Bailey Verkaik   8-8-7-nf-ns+ns               102

Charlie Jensen   ns+ns-ns-ns-7-6             106

Seven youth sailed with us on Saturday and five in radials and two in 4.7’s.  When I did corrected times Luke moved into second place in the first race while Claire in a 4.7 moved into 5. In the second race Darcy Jensen moved up to second.  In the third race Darcy moved to second again, Max in 4.7 up to 5 and Luke up to 6.  In the fourth race Luke moved to first.  In the last race Cameron moved to first.  So we had enough wind to get most everyone up to hull speed.

On Sunday everyone sailed a full rig.  Easier for RC and score keeper.

Charlie Jensen came out for the last two races on Sunday.  Thank you Charlie.  One of the nice things about our multiple race format is you can come late and join in the last races.

Baily Verkaik was back with us in radial and doing well until the rivets pulled out of his out haul bracket on boom.  Stainless rivets in Aluminum boom that has been in Salt water need to be replace by bolts as soon as you notice they are a little loose.

Andy Forrest came over from Lake Monroe to test out Laser. He had a good show with light wind in the first race and then getting stronger.

Leah Harper, one of our women, looks at those scores.  When everybody else was fading she was getting stronger.

Vince Renzoni was out in full rig both days and he is on the light side.  Maybe we need to keep him in a radial for a while.

Patrick Daniel had his tiller come out in the third race on Sunday.  Turned over and mast stuck in the mud good.  Luke and Rob finally got him loose and that is a long story.  Karen came with Patrick and went cruising.  We will try to get her to race with us.

Claire Epaillard is back with us and we had that brother and sister race in the 4.7s on Saturday.  Well at least you beat him in the first race Claire.

Darcy Jensen our College sailor back to show everyone how to do it. She missed the first race but then had two second places.  Wow.

Max Epaillard moved from the Opti and showed his sister how to sail a 4.7.   Another wow.

Michael Gapuz is getting better and better.  Show up both days and total score really go up.  You are number 6 of 15. And you had a 5 in the score sheet.  Sailed all the races. Way to go.

Rob Krentel will have to look out.  He only won one of the five races on Sunday, but did get Patrick out of his mess. 

Sam Chapin just needs a little more guts to stay out there when the wind is blowing.

Cameron Smith only won one race but hardly had any bad ones. That is a real sign on good sailing.

Jerry Beck is our adult leader.  Sam got mixed up when he sent in Article to paper and said it was Rob.

Well it was Rob, but only on Sunday.  Jerry was our winner on Saturday and our winning “master” for the week end.

Luke Yates was second on Saturday, first on Sunday and for the weekend.  It is really great to have him and Cameron and Michael come and race both days.  Try to keep it up guys...  You will get better and better.


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